Computer Hardware Guide

Computer hardware means the physical (internal and external) component of a computer and the digital circuits and computer chips inside the computer.  In the recent times, the hardware has been evolved in that way that it can be controlled, configured and troubleshoots through the software.  Most of the hardware has not been seen by the users as it has been embedded inside the computer.  Hardware includes the internal and external components, storage controllers, removable media and communication and peripheral devices. 
There are a large number of manufactures that develop the hardware components.  Common hardware manufactures are Intel, Acer, Compaq, Toshiba, Samsung, HP, FujiTsu, Sonic View, Apple, Cisco and Asus.  This article will provide you an overview of the most common hardware devices and their functionalities.
CPU stands for the central processing unit.  It performs the calculations inside the computer that enables the computer to perform different kind of functions.  It provides the data highly or bus system that moves the data between the different components of the motherboard.  The speed of the data moving along the buses of the motherboard is measured in the MHz.
Motherboard is the hardware component inside the computer that provides the platform for many devices such as RAM, hard disk, peripheral devices, PC cards and controllers.
Processor is the heart of the computer that processes the instructions that are given by the user.  Processor is manufactured by the different companies including Intel, AMD, Cyrix and Motorola.
RAM is the physical memory inside the computer and it stores the data temporarily.  The computer’s performance depends on the RAM.  More is the RAM, the better is the performance of the computer.  RAM is used by the processor and other devices to store the data temporarily.  There are two basic formats of the RAM SIMM and DIMM.
Video Card
Video card is an important component and it controls the display of the computer screen.
Sound Card
Sound card enables the computer to output the sound to the audio devices.  Today most of the computer systems have built in sound cards in the motherboards.
LAN Card
LAN card or Network adapter is communication component inside the computer.  Every computer in a network must have a LAN card to communicate with each other.  Every LAN card is configured separately and a unique IP address is assigned to each LAN card.
Modem is a communication device that connects the computer with the internet.  There are two types of modems internal and external.
Hard Disk
Hard disk is a storage device inside the computer.  The common types of the hard disks include IDE and SCSI.  Hard disk varies in sizes and capacity. An IDE hard disk is connected to the motherboard by using the Ribbon cable.
CD-ROM is a device that is used to read the data from the CD.
DVD-ROM is a device that is used to read the data from the DVD.
USB Device
A USB is a portable storage device.
Printer is a type of the peripheral device that is used to print the documents.
Scanner is a type of the peripheral devices that is used to scan the documents and images.
Monitor is a type of the hardware device that is used to display the video signals.
Keyboard is an input device that is used to give the input to the computer to process it.
Mouse is a pointing device that detects the motion of the mouse ball with the surface.
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